Bachelor of Business - Management (DBBG)

University of South Australia

Type d'établissement: Université/établissement d'enseignement supérieur
Niveau: Baccalauréat
CRICOS: 00121B

Modern managers are skilled problem solvers ­– they organise people, manage money and leverage technology to achieve business objectives. They are at the forefront of business.In this degree, you will get a grounding in key business disciplines through industry and business-focused courses. Your management specialisation will give you the knowledge and skills to manage resources and projects in a global business environment. You will learn to address emerging issues, and to recognise the need for innovation as you progress in your career. You will also have the valuable opportunity to embed work integrated learning into your degree through an internship or mentorship.

Informations sur l'étude

CampusHonorairesApport en milieu d'annéePrésence
City West International: $102,900 No
  • Full-time : 3 years
  • Part-time : 3 years
UniSA Online International: $102,900 No
  • Full-time : 3 years

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