Master of Business Administration (Full Time)

Université de Melbourne, Le

Type d'établissement: Université/établissement d'enseignement supérieur
Niveau: Diplômé
CRICOS: 00116K

Our prestigious MBA program has a long record of producing outstanding senior executives, able to lead and manage across private, public and government organisations.The Full-time MBA offers an integrated, skill focused curriculum designed for maximum career impact and practical business experience. Immersive and challenging, it provides more than the traditional MBA toolkit. While fully developing your business knowledge , you also gain a tight network of inspiring and supportive peers, an adaptive mindset, resilience and the ability to absorb and apply learnings quickly.You can choose to study over two years, embracing the full MBA experience and allowing more time for internships and exchange opportunities, or fast-track to get back to your career sooner. You will develop your skills and outlook at every turn through our unique Personal Effectiveness Program, which provides leadership and career development, and regular exposure to CEOs and leaders via our Immersive Business Experience and other opportunities to work on real business problems.

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